Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Apple just gave Android a Swift kick in the arse!

WWDC 2014's most exciting announcement, at least as far as I am concerned was the Swift programming language.

IMHO the one thing about iOS that intimidates external developers is Objective-C; with it's strange syntax, bolted on features, and sometimes complex memory management, it feels alien to most.

By contrast the Android alternative is the comfortable, although verbose, Java programming language.

But that was then, this is now; recently a great deal of FUD has arisen around Android and Java because Oracle and their predilection of being, well, Oracle, and, more importantly, Swift.

I hate long posts, so I am not going to review Swift here, Graydon Hoare and Chris Lattner's peeps do a much better job than I ever could, but sufficeth to say that Swift brings into sharp relief the walking cane that Java has been leaning on, these many years. (The last three words must be said in the voice of Richard Harris's Dumbledore)

If someone over at Google is not running around with their hair on fire, I can probably find them some matches. The question now is only which language will they start to push as a competitor to Swift, for compete they must.

Will it be Dart, a little more verbose than Swift, but modern, or perhaps Go, simple, elegant, but lacking in certain oft requested features (Generics / exceptions)

Personally, I vote Go but I am wrong most of the time, honestly, ask Nicky, she will tell you!

Let's see.....

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